Nangpa La: Tibetan Pilgram’s Song

I’ve had a couple of people e-mail me about this today. Last fall a group of climbers on Cho Oyu witnessed Chinese soliders ambushing Tibetan refugees who were fleeing into Nepal via the Nangpa La Pass. In the process, they ended up shooting and killing several people. I blogged about it fairly extensively at the time, as did a number of other sites. It took weeks before the mainstream media picked up on the story, and in the end, very little was made of it, and the whole thing mostly faded away.

But now comes this video on YouTube of an unknown singer/song writer who has written a ballad called Tibetan Pilgrims’s song: September 30th. The singer has also posted a message to the Prime Minister of China which simply reads:

“Your Excellency,
Please allow Mt. Everest to become a symbol of hope and goodness, with the speedy release of all Nangpa Pass Detainees.

the concerned of the world”

You can check out the song itself here. It’s good that not everyone has forgotten.

Kraig Becker

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