Helmet, Web, and IP Cams on Everest

MountEverest.net has posted the third installment of a series of articles on shooting video on Everest in it’s various forms. The series is sponsored by Human Edge Tech who would be happy to supply you with all the gadgets you’d need to shoot your own climbing epic.

This article focuses on Helmet mounted cameras, web cams, and IP cams. Each type of camera is explained, with examples of how they are used and their benefits and drawbacks. Helmet cams are exactly what they sound like, a small camera mounted on a climbers helmet to capture a “climbers view” of the action. Web cams are small cameras attached to. and completely run by, a computer. IP cams are self contained systems that can be remotely controlled by a computer and connected to via wireless networking. The footage of these cams can be streamed over the Internet or satellite back to the World for viewing, but at a lower quality, which is part of the trade-off for these smaller, lighter cameras.

There are also a couple of example videos available with this article, which makes for something interesting to watch as well.

Kraig Becker

3 thoughts on “Helmet, Web, and IP Cams on Everest”

  1. A friend of mine just purchased a helmet cam from some company called jonescam. So far he has only used it for skiing and says that works well in the cold conditions. I saw some of the video and it looks pretty cool.

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