Altitude Everest Makes Late Spring Summit!

everest summit brings us the great news this morning that theAltitude Everest Team has made the latest Spring summit ever today, free climbing the Second Step in the process.

Conrad Anker, and climbing partner Leo Houlding, topped out three hours after completing the free climb. You’ll also recall that they went up in vintage 1924 gear, much like that worn by George Mallory and Sandy Irvine when they made their fatal Everest attempt. Joining Anker and Houlding were Gerry Moffatt and Kevin Thaw, part of the original team, and Mark Woodward and Dean Staples who were brought on as last minute guides when other teammates took ill. They were all supported by 18 Sherpas as well.

The Altitude Everest Team has been filming the entire climb to make a documentary on Mallory and Irvine. In order to make the film as realistic as possible, the team waited until everyone else was off the mountain to make their summit push, and removed the ladders at the Second Step to accurately portray the conditions Mallory and Irvine faced back in 1924. The climb proves that the two climbers, who perished on the mountain, could have made it to the top, which has been often speculated on. We’ll probably never know for sure if they made it, but it certainly adds fuel to the debate.

Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing the documentary when it’s finished, and I hope to see an interview or two with the climbers to get their perspective on things, such as how the vintage gear compared with today’s high tech equipment. The last reports have stated the team is strong, in good spirits, and making their way back down the mountain. Weather conditions are good, so I suspect we should see them back in camp soon, with more updates to come.

Thanks to Alex for pointing out that the team did make a successful summit bid! Now lets get back to work on that script! 😉

Kraig Becker

7 thoughts on “Altitude Everest Makes Late Spring Summit!”

  1. Kinda makes you wonder what the point is of buying $900 double-plastic mountaineering boots and crampons when these guys are summiting Everest in boots with friggin’ nails in them.

  2. True, but I’ll take my chances with the $900 pair. I’ve grown attached to my toes after all. 😉

  3. So, where were we . . . Stallone and the Yeti are in the submarine’s hot tub, kicking back Dos Equis, when suddenly Conrad Anker barges in wearing a toga. Hardly appropriate gear for an ice cave submarine wreak, but obviously he’s a complete bad ass, so he can get away with it…

  4. Wait! We’re going to have Viesturs and Anker in this movie? Oh man, it’s like having a license to print money!

    But seriously, Anker’s badass-ness completely confirmed! 🙂

  5. Just read this article and it looks like Anker and Houlding decided against vintage gear for the final ascent. Not that this makes the free-climb or summit any less impressive.

  6. Yeah, I remember catching something last night that said they were going to do away with the vintage stuff at the Second Step. And you’re right, it really doesn’t lessen the climb. Free climbing the Second Step is still impressive. I can’t imagine attempting it at that altitude.

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