K2 Update: 17 Summits Today!

More news is coming in from K2Climb.net this evening with yet another update from K2. After only 4 total summits last year, there were 17 climbers on top today alone! It seems that conditions for climbing were good today, despite cold temperatures and high winds that turned more than one team back.

As of now the teams are making there way back into C4, tired, but very happy with their various successes. It seems the Russinas arrived back in Camp 4 only to find that their tent was no where in sight, so with no tent, and too exhausted to go down any further, the team dug snow cave and have now holed up and are sleeping in their makeshift shelter. All the teams hope to climb down to BC tomorrow for a proper rest and reflection.

Sad news from the mountain however, as the Korean K2 team reports that one of their Sherpa guides fell to his death near the Bottleneck today, striking the rocks below. Apparently he fell in the pre-dawn hours and dropped several hundred meters down the South Face. At this time, the Sherpa’s name has not been revealed.

Once again, congratulations to all the K2 summiteers. You helped make today one of the more successful days ever on the mountain. Get some rest at C4 and get down safely to BC tomorrow. Job well done!

Kraig Becker

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