Another Interview with Andrew Skurka

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Ultra-hiker and National Geographic Adventurer of the Year Andrew Skurka is the subject of this interview over at, in which he discusses his thoughts on winning the award, his motivations for taking on the Great Western Loop, and what he plans to do next. There is even a video at the end of the article that offers even more insights.

As I’m sure you remember, Skurka recently completed his 6,875 mile hike of the Great Western Loop Trail which saw him pass through 12 national parks and 75 wilderness areas throughout the Western United States. He finished the whole thing in just 208 days, averaging a blistering 33 miles per day. In the interview, he discusses the items he carries in his pack and how his sponsor GoLite helps him in traveling light and fast on the trail.

Thanks to Two-Hell Drive for the heads up on this one.

Kraig Becker

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