Exploring South America By Bike

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I’ve recently posted an article on exploring Madagascar by train, and I mentioned in that story how I thought that would be a wonderful way to travel and see a new country. Similarly, traveling by bicycle would also be an amazing way to explore some place new, and that’s just what Elicia Càrdenas and Andy McKerrow have been doing in South America.

The pair of avid bikers set out in January to ride from Northern Patagonia to Lake Titicaca (hehe!) in Bolivia. Along the way they’ve been blogging their adventures over at the Wend Magazine site.

Today’s post is a good one detailing all the gear they have brought along on their trip. The list is actually fairly long and extensive, and is really great for giving some insight into what long distance bicyclists carry along with them when they set out on the trail. After reading about all that gear, go to the beginning of their blog and get caught up on the rest of their adventure, including some great photos as well.

Thanks Gadling!

Kraig Becker

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