Site News: On A Brief Hiatus!

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Just wanted to drop a quick note to let everyone know that I’ll be on a brief hiatus over the next few days. I’ll be going in for fairly minor surgery on Monday and will probably not be in the mood for posting updates for a few days. With any luck I’ll be back in just a few days and posting regular updates again.

Back soon!

Kraig Becker

10 thoughts on “Site News: On A Brief Hiatus!”

  1. Well, way to put the pressure on us other outdoor/adventure blogs man…. 🙂

    Get well soon. We’ll be thinking about you.

  2. Thanks for all the kind words gang! They are very much appreciated, and helped a lot this week, when one surgery turned into two. But I’m recovering nicely and will be resuming updates in the next day or two. 🙂

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