Mountain Hardwear Pack-A-Day Give Away Is Live!

The site seemed to be having some issues earlier, but it’s up and running now. The Pack-A-Day Give Away from Mountain Hardwear is now officially underway. I’d kindly ask that everyone waits until after I’ve won my pack before placing your entries! 😉

Everyday during the month of August, Mountain Hardwear is giving away one of their urban daypacks. These cool looking packs are designed more for use around town than out on the trail, but that doesn’t mean they don’t offer the trademark Mountain Hardwear quality. Besides, I could REALLY use a new backpack for my daily commute, keeping my MacBook safe and sound. My current pack, a very cool, bug aging design from Burton, is looking a little worse for wear.

Anyway, be sure to head over every day this month and enter to win. It’s quick, very easy, and you’ll actually know right away if you’re the new owner of one of these sweet packs. Good luck everyone!

Kraig Becker

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