Intelligent Travel Launches New Blog

Intelligent Travel or “The IT, has been one of my favorite travel blogs for some time, and not just because it comes from the fine folks over at National Geographic. The site has long been a great source of news on general travel, industry trends, and destinations around the globe.

Last week the blog was incorporated more fully into the mothership, and is now part of the National Geographic Traveler site, and in the process it received a fresh coat of paint that more closely associates it with the NG brand, while still providing the same great content.

Typically speaking, I wouldn’t say that the posts on the IT Blog are particularly adventurous in nature, although from time to time they do have some good adventure travel stories. Instead, I read the blog for it’s tips on how to be a smarter traveler and for it’s recommendations for places to visit that may be a bit lesser known. It also has a great focus on sustainable travel, something I’ve talked about a lot recently, as well as the cultures of the places they visit.

For those already reading Intelligent Travel, be sure to update your bookmarks. And if you’re new to the blog, add it to your list of travel sites. It’s one you’ll want to keep.

Kraig Becker

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