Planet Ice Project Goes To Peru

The Planet Ice Project is the brainchild of writer and photographer James Martin, who has been traveling the planet on a two year journey to chronicle the health of the planet’s ice at a variety of locations ranging from the North to South Pole, with stops on Kilimanjaro, the Mountains of the Moon, and more along the way. When the journey is done, Martin will publish a book with thoughts and photographs on his travels.

The next stop on this globe trotting planetary check-up was the Cordillera Blanca mountain range of Peru, where he hoped to capture images of ice above a tropical setting on the Equator. Martin visited the Huascaran National Park near Huaraz back in June, and filed his latest report on his finding over at

Spending four days in the region, hiking from the Cashapampa up to 15,600 feet at the Punta Union Pass, he discovered what he was looking for. Ice could be seen on a number of peaks that surrounded his location, giving him a breathtaking view, while still basking in the relatively warm, equatorial sun.

When the Project is complete, it should make for a great coffee table book with stunning photos and interesting stories from around the planet. Martin has visited some remote and legendary places on his journey, and he isn’t done yet. If I had one complaint about the Planet Ice Project though, it’s that the reports from the field are often too short and too far between.

Kraig Becker

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