Paddlers Have A Bad Day!

I found this video over at the Paddling Life earlier, and it elicited a chuckle. It begins with two mensa candidates in a tandem kayak trying to launch it into the water by sliding down some steps, which really doesn’t go all that well, and things don’t really improve once they’re actually in the water.

Kraig Becker

7 thoughts on “Paddlers Have A Bad Day!”

  1. I’ve done the kayak scootch before, too, but I usually end up with some greater measure of success. Funny vid!

  2. LOL! Yeah it’s hilarious to watch them just keep paddling like they’re turning their kayak into a submarine or something.

    And I’ve done the scootch a few times myself, but usually while I’m right at the edge of the water. I try to avoid going down steps like that. 🙂

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