Amazon Adventures Begin at Gadling!

Just a quick note to everyone that my series of posts on my travels to the Amazon has begun over at Gadling. My first post, which can be found here, is an introduction to Iquitos, the jungle city that I traveled to, which served as the launching pad to the Amazon River and Jungle. The city is a fascinating place and is the largest city in the world that is inaccessible by road, forcing travelers to come by boat or plane. It’s also still steeped in tradition and jungle culture as well, which added to its allure.

Over the next two weeks I’ll be posting more stories about my trip, each focusing on different aspects. For instance, tomorrow I’ll write about an very unique open air market that I visited there and in the days ahead I’ll talk about piranha fishing, trekking in the jungle, and much more.

I’ll try to post a link each day to the new stories and I hope you find them interesting and fun as I share my experiences along the way. Feel free to drop me a note if you have any questions or if you’re inspired to go yourself and want to know more about how to get there and what you can do there. I’d love the feedback and exchanging of ideas. I hope you enjoy my Adventures in the Amazon, as the series is titled. 🙂

Kraig Becker

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