The Rest of Everest DVD Giveaway: Week 4

dvd order
Okay, now that we’ve had some time to check out the latest episode of The Rest of Everest, it’s time for this week’s trivia question. As usual, you can e-mail me your answer at and I’ll collect all of the responses and randomly pick a winner out of everyone who gets it right. The winner gets a copy of the Everest {the other side} DVD, which is the very cool movie that inspired the podcast to begin with.

So without further ado, here’s this week’s question:

Name one of the famous Everest legends whose memorial the team visited in this week’s episode?

(Hint: One was immortalized in Jon Krakauer’s book Into Thin Air and the other is one of the most famous Sherpas ever.)

Good luck to everyone! 🙂

Kraig Becker

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