Join Bus2Antarctica’s Andrew Evans Online This Wednesday

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Over the past few months, one of the top adventure travel stories has been Andrew Evans and his Bus2Antarctica Expedition. For those not familiar with the story, Andrew, who is a contributor for National Geographic, boarded a public bus in Washington DC and began heading south. Ten weeks, and 44 more buses later, he arrived in Argentina, where he boarded a cruise ship that would deliver him to to the frozen continent itself.

Andrew’s story was a popular one, with many people following along with his dispatches which were posted at National Geographic’s Intelligent Travel Blog. His photo of an all black penguin would become a sensation in its own right, with many media outlets picking it up and sharing it across the globe.

Now, you can quiz Andrew yourself thanks to an online webinar scheduled to take place this Wednesday at 8 PM Eastern Time. The chat comes to us courtesy of Lindblad Travel, who are amongst the top adventure travel companies in the world. You can sign up for the event by clicking here, and reserve your spot in the webinar which will include a slideshow, videos, and a live chat with Andrew and Antarctic expert Karen Copeland.

This should be a very cool presentation, and gives you a chance to ask Andrew, and Karen, some questions directly.

Kraig Becker

3 thoughts on “Join Bus2Antarctica’s Andrew Evans Online This Wednesday”

  1. You're certainly right about Andrew's bus2antarctica blog. All of us at Lindblad were glued to it. Reblogging, facebooking and twittering his posts like crazy.

    We're all looking forward to hearing what he has to say on the webinar.

    We're fans of your blog. Any chance you'd like to write a blog post for Lindblad's blog? Just let us know.

  2. Thanks Linda, I'm a big fan of what you do as well. You offer some amazing trips that go way beyond just visiting a destination. 🙂

    I would love to contribute in some way to the blog. If you'd like to contact me directly to discuss further, I'm at:

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