Website Delivers Armchair Adventure For Everyone

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One of the great things about writing this blog, and using the Internet, is that I have the opportunity to connect with others who share my passion for adventure in all of its forms. Sometimes I get to chat with climbers who have gone up Everest, sometimes it’s polar explorers who have been to the South Pole. But I also get to interact with average, everyday adventurers who simply enjoy reading stories about exploration, often from the comfort of their easy chair.

That’s where the website Armchair Adventurista comes in. The site was founded by Amy Wilson Maroney, who finds herself drawn to true adventure stories, like Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air and The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger. Throw in a little frostbite, starvation, or an attack by a grizzly bear, and she’s a happy reader.

To channel this self described obsession with adventure stories, Amy launched this site to post book reviews, share news on the what’s going on in the world of adventure, and to link to adventurers who are out there exploring right now. She hopes to feature the best of true adventure stories, seek out and spotlight women adventurers, and promote the connection between adventure and sustainability.

Armchair Adventurista launched back in January, and has plenty of good content already in place. It seems that it is already turning into another place for fans of adventure, both armchair and otherwise, to get their fix. Welcome to the neighborhood Amy, and keep up the great work. 🙂

Kraig Becker

7 thoughts on “Website Delivers Armchair Adventure For Everyone”

  1. Looking forward to following her site. But in my opinion, the whole idea of "armchair adventurism" is …not for me, for sure.

    I read, follow,communicate, with other adventurers so I can try,do see, experience… what they did before, and not just to read and leave a comment. But I hpe that by writing her stories she'll inspire lot's of people to get away from that armchair and actually do it

  2. Some like to do and some like to live vicariously through the exploits of others. I'm like you Paul, prefer to get out there and do those activities. Maybe someday I can write a book of my own for the armchair crowd though. 😉

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