Ski the Himalayas Season 2: Episodes 2 and 3

The Ski The Himalaya team of Ben Clark and Jon Miller returns with a couple of new episodes that chronicle the next steps in their return to Baruntse, a 23,390 foot peak in western Nepal. Ben and Jon no only hope to summit that peak, but also make a ski descent as well.

The first video below is actually the second episode of the season, and shows the team arriving in Lukla, which seems fitting considering the news from Nepal this morning. Once on the ground there, they begin their trek to the mountain.

Ski The Himalayas Season 2, Episode 02 from Ben Clark on Vimeo.

This next video, Episode Three of the season, has the boys on the trail and making their way towards their destination. It’s offers some great views of the surrounding mountains and gives an indication of what it is like to be trekking through the Himalaya. Really great scenery.

Ski The Himalayas Season 2, Episode 03 from Ben Clark on Vimeo.

Kraig Becker