Tips For Drivers From A Cyclist

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I’m sure every road cyclist out there has at least one story about how an otherwise distracted driver has nearly taken them out. I know I have more than my fair share, and while I love the feel of the open road while on my bike, I’m also always constantly aware of the traffic, and probably even a bit too cautious at times.

The Esurance Blog has posted a short, but well done article, entitled “Whose Road Is It Anyway? Tips for Drivers from a Cyclist” in which they make some great points for drivers to think about when sharing the road with cyclists. For instance, they point out that drivers should be aware of the cycling laws of their state and know what cyclists can and can’t do while on the road. Knowing those things may help them alleviate frustrations with riders and even keep them from hurting someone. The story also stresses the importance of safety at all times when dealing with cyclists as well.

Living in Austin, Texas, a place that Lance Armstrong calls home, I can tell you that there are a lot of cyclists on the roads at various times. Being one myself, I always give them plenty of room and respect, but that isn’t often the case when I’m in the saddle. I’ve had cars cut me off numerous times, and just last week I was nearly hit by a driver coming from the opposite direction who strayed into my lane. He also happened to be talking on the cell phone at the time. Perhaps I should have told him to put down the phone and read this article, but I was too busy holding on tightly to my handlebars at the time.

Kraig Becker

8 thoughts on “Tips For Drivers From A Cyclist”

  1. so true…i was tagged by a distracted soccer mom in 2008. her passenger side mirror clipped my shoulder hurling me off the road. let's not even count the near misses, objects thrown in my direction, etc…

  2. I am not one of those "hard core cyclists" ( like the one in the picture…Do you really have to dress up like that for a 20 min ride around town ?), but I am looking at this, recently huge problem, from two different angles – as a bike rider ( not a cyclist) and a driver.

    It's true , there are a lot of inconsiderable drivers on the road, but let's face it, there are the same amount of arrogant cyclists out there, who think they are superior than others ( "Hey, look at me, I am riding a bike, I am saving the planet") and think they always have the right of way…

    I've had my share of honking, screaming and throwing stuff at me as a bike rider, but I also get pissed off whenever there is a cyclist in front of my car when there is a bike line just a few inches away…

    I don't think any amount of education among drivers or cyclists will do any good. It all comes to just one thing – treat others the way you want to be treated.

  3. Paul,

    No doubt there are many instances where cyclists don't get over and should. However, there are many, many instances where there's a lot of debris on the side of the road or in a bike lane – such as sand, gravel, glass, fall-off from trees – that a driver may not see from a car – all stuff that can be unkind to a cyclists!

    As far as your final point goes – amen!!

  4. I think there is plenty of blame to go around. As a cyclist, I'm infuriated with the way drivers treat us sometimes, and as a driver I'm annoyed with cyclists who blow through stop signs, don't watch where they are going, and weave in and out of traffic.

    Whether I'm driving or riding, I try hard to be respectful on the road.

  5. On my commute there is a narrow humpbacked bridge. Impatient drivers always cut it close overtaking me. They also put on-coming traffic in danger. After getting nearly knocked off there, I ride my bike in the middle of the lane to try and stop them overtaking. The worst thing is, when I'm driving, I hate getting stuck behind cyclists. Having to wait 10 seconds in car before I can overtake feels like an eternity!

    It annoys me when cyclists ride at night without using lights, since they are putting themselves in dangerous position. It was not until I started driving that I realised how invisible cyclists are at night.

    As for cycle lanes, I get the impression that most of them are designed by people who never ride a bike, so I'm not surprised cyclists don't use them.

  6. Once I was tagged in central London. smashed into the metal railings and broke my collar. I will find that bus driver 😉 hehe

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