Want To Row An Ocean?


Have you ever felt the urge to spend a few weeks (or longer!) at sea? Have you ever read about ocean rowers challenging themselves on the open water and thought that you could do that too? Well, you’re in luck, as there are a couple of opportunities, for the right person, to join an ocean row across the Atlantic.

British adventurer Alastair Humphreys wrote an interesting blog post over the weekend that shares the details on not one but two vacancies on crews that will be departing from Agadir in Morocco in the early part of January. Applicants will have to be available directly after Christmas and will have some expenses to cover if they’d like to join one of the teams. Alastair has an estimated list of those expenses on his blog, that includes flights to Morocco and supplies for the journey.

If you’re interested in joining one of these adventures, then click here to read all the particulars, including contact information for the crew leads that you would be reporting to while on this aquatic adventure. If you’ve ever dreamed of this kind of challenge, this is probably as easy as it gets, since you’ll be on a crew that is already formed and much of the logistics are already done. Seems like a great opportunity for the right person.

Kraig Becker