Adventure Racing Gets Some Mainstream Press!

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This article is a few weeks old, but I thought it was worth sharing in case you hadn’t already seen it. It seems that adventure racing received some love from the mainstream courtesy of this article in the Wall Street Journal. The article serves as both an introduction to the sport and a profile of racer Kristen Beckmeyer, who races on Team Mandatory Gear, and competed in her first event back in January of 2010. The same day that this article appeared, the WSJ also published a second story on preparing for your first adventure race as well.

One interesting note from the story is that the article cites a 2010 study by the Outdoor Foundation that lists adventure racing as the fastest growing activity amongst Americans. That report says that more than 1 million people participated in AR in 2009, which is great to hear considering that many races were still on the rebound from the bad economy in that period. I think it is safe to say that adventure racing is as healthy as it has ever been, and that it has a very bright future.

Receiving coverage from a source like the Wall Street Journal is a huge plus for adventure racing in general. We has a reporter from the paper with us at Primal Quest Montana and I can tell you that it significantly raised the profile of the event. Those of us who follow, compete, and already love the sport don’t need a story like this one to remind us of how much fun AR can be, but it is always nice to help introduce it to a new audience, and perhaps keep the current growth cycle going.

Kraig Becker

9 thoughts on “Adventure Racing Gets Some Mainstream Press!”

  1. I know! It's a big number, but when you consider all of the small races that have cropped up around the country, I can see how it is possible. Here in Texas, where I live, there are a number of races going on all the time. Obviously not all of them are big, expedition length suffer-fests.

  2. About time. 🙂
    Now I'll read this more closely when they start including your articles too.

  3. I have received big stats like that from USARA when writing articles in the past. I've come to be a major cynic of those big numbers. There is no way 1 million people raced in an AR in 2009. Only way this is possible is if you include Muddy Buddy, Xterra, Merrell urban races ("Oyster Urban Adventure Racing"), the "Urban Assault" bike stuff, and those other AR-like events similar to these. Then MAYBE the numbers for participation are higher. But those are not ARs I my mind, and 1 million people. . . I still would be amazed.

  4. I do agree on that point Stephen. What passes for AR under the Outdoor Foundation's survey may fall under a very wide umbrella.

  5. That is awesome. I live in Sydney, Australia. We have some amazing nature reserves, perfect for Adventure Racing.

  6. I just read you article and I think if is great. There are lot of people who are now joining AR and I'm one of them 'cause AR just rock's my world!!! 😀

  7. As what I have notice too. Adventure Racing is everywhere. I consider myself too as one of those people who love and enjoyed joining this event. Nice blog! 😀

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