Freya Hoffmiester has embarked on her next big adventure, setting out from Buenos Aires on Tuesday to attempt a circumnavigation of South America by kayak. The journey is expected to take upwards of 24 months and cover more than 24,000km (14,913 miles).
The German kayak-queen had plenty of supporters on hand to see her off on his latest journey, which will now see her traveling south along the Argentine cost. Her first big challenge will come when she braves Cape Horn, and the turbulent waters of the Drake Passage, as she rounds the tip of South America. That should come in a few weeks time, but for now, she is getting acclimated to life back on the water and enjoying some paddling time for herself.
Freya is no stranger to long kayak expeditions. Not only has she paddled around Iceland and New Zealand, but in 2009 she also completed a circumnavigation of Australia that took 332 days to complete. Of course, circling that continent by kayak was just a warm-up for this latest venture, which will not only take twice as long to complete, but will offer its own set of unique challenges.
You can follow Freya’s progress on her expedition map and trip log, although most will probably find her blog to be more interesting. The first two entries offer her thoughts on getting started and enjoying her time back out on the water.
This is going to be one epic expedition. Obviously Freya is use to long distance paddles, but even still, paddling around South America is certainly an ambitious project.
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