Experience The Greatest Adventure Stories Ever Told With New Nat Geo App

adventure app

For decades National Geographic has chronicled some of the most challenging and inspiring adventures on the planet. Using a combination of breathtaking photographs and fantastic writing, the iconic magazine has told us stories of the men and women who push the boundaries of exploration, often in brutal and life threatening conditions. Now, a new app for the iPad shares some of the best of those stories in a new and exciting way.

The app, which is entitled National Geographic Adventure: Greatest Stories Ever Told,  costs just $1.99 and features six of the all-time best tales of adventure from Nat Geo. Those stories include the discovery of the Titanic on the ocean floor, crossing Antarctica with Will Steger’s epic 1988 dogsled expedition and diving into the mysterious blue holes in the Bahamas, amongst others. The app combines video, audio, interactive maps and other unique elements to tell these stories like never before. It is a fascinating way to learn more about these stories, some of which we’ve heard about before but not in the capacity that is shown here.

Other fun features of the app include interactive timelines that show the evolution of gear such as climbing shoes and compasses, video of Ueli Steck making a speed climb of the Eiger, and a live feed of the Nat Geo Adventure Blog directly in the app itself. Those additions make this a very well rounded package for iPad owners who are looking to add a bit of adventure to their tablets and makes the $1.99 price tag seem like an incredibly great deal. The photos and video look fantastic on the device, particularly on the new Retina display, and you’ll get hours of entertainment and education out of these stories. It would be a bargain at twice the price and I’m looking forward to delving in deeper when I take my iPad on a trip in a few days.

Kraig Becker