ExWeb Interviews Explorer Julian Monroe Fisher


Explorer and anthropologist Julian Monroe Fisher is the subject of an excellent interview over at Explorers Web this week. Julian is gearing up for the second phase of his Great African Expedition, which will get underway in December, and in the two-part interview he shares a lot about that adventure and the world of exploration in particular.

In Part One of the interview the explorer talks in some detail about Phase 2, which follows his successful journey from Cairo to Khartoum along the Nile River. That section of the expedition was completed in May of this year and progress was halted because of an ongoing dispute over oil rights between Sudan and the newly formed South Sudan. In December, Julian will resume the expedition by traveling from the South Sudan capital of Juba up the Nile and overland to Lake Albert, which he intends to circumnavigate by kayak, indigenous long canoe and on foot.

In that same article, Monroe Fisher talks about the recent attack of Davey du Plessis in the Amazon and his own brushes with conflict in Africa. Julian says his only real assault actually took place at home in Austria and now while traveling for miles on foot through the African bush.

Part Two of the interview continues the discussion with Julian sharing his thoughts on how he prepares for his journeys through potentially dangerous parts of the world. He also talks about the interesting tribes that he has encountered along the way and tells us what it was like to meet, and interview,  Jane Goodall. He also tells us why he is so drawn to Africa, a continent that I love dearly as well.

ExWeb’s interview with Julian is a good one and if you want to read about a modern day explorer who is out in the field, following in the footsteps of other great explorers, I suggest you take a look. It is definitely an interesting read.

Kraig Becker

2 thoughts on “ExWeb Interviews Explorer Julian Monroe Fisher”

  1. Kraig, i am very happy that you wrote this pieace. Julian is one of a kind. Thanx! I too love Africa….M

  2. Thanks Mikael! Agreed Julian is fantastic and I'm looking forward to the start of his next journey. I love following both of you guys as you tramp across the planet! 🙂

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