Video: Rios Libres Episode 2 – The History

Last week I introduced you to a new series of videos focused on the plight of the rivers in Chile’s wild Patagonia region. This week we have the second video in the Rios Libres: Environmental Dispatches series, which will eventually be four parts in length. This time out we get a bit of a history lesson of the challenges that the rivers in Patagonia face as multi-national companies race to place dams on the river there in order to create hydroelectric power. But the impact of those dams could have a dramatic and irreversible effect on one of the last great wild spaces on our planet. We’ve seen it happen elsewhere and it would be a shame to see it happen in Patagonia as well.

Episode 2- The History from Rios Libres on Vimeo.

Kraig Becker