Video: Mountain Biking Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor

The Wakhan Corridor is a narrow patch of land located in northeast Afghanistan that separates Tajikistan and Pakistan. The Corridor was once used a trade route hundreds of years ago, but as better routes over both land and sea developed, it was all but forgotten. Today it is seldom visited by westerners but by all accounts it is a breathtakingly beautiful and rugged place.

In the video below, professional mountain biker Matt Hunter and some of his closest friends traveled to Afghanistan to ride through Wakhan. They captured their adventure with the new Sony Action Cam and produced an outstanding short film of their experiences. If you’re in the mood for a mountain biking adventure, you won’t want to miss out on this one.

Kraig Becker

6 thoughts on “Video: Mountain Biking Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor”

  1. Hans: I haven't been there yet myself, but would love to go. I do know a few people who went a couple of years back. There are some adventure travel companies that can organize trips to Wakhan, although travel is challenging and trips are infrequent.

  2. This is my second trip to Afghanistan. And what they say on TV is true…. There is lots of war and death and destruction. Your lucky you had a safe trip. Nice film.

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