Don’t Forget To Sign-Up To Win Cycling Gear!

USMBN.web. 23

Just another gentle reminder that I’ll be giving away a second cycling gear package this coming Friday courtesy of Grape-Nuts cereal and USA Cycling. That package will include two t-shirts, a USA Cycling hat, a jersey and more.

To be eligible to win all you have to do is send me an email at with a subject that says “Grape-Nuts.” In the body of the email tell me who you think will win the Green Jersey as the top sprinter at the Tour de France this year. Peter Sagan has a tight hold on it at the moment and it’ll be tough to unseat him, so that as good of an answer as any.

On Friday I’ll randomly pick the next winner and announce their name here on the blog. If you’ve already entered the contest last week, there is no need to enter again as you’ll be included in the drawing as well. To be eligible you must live in the U.S.

Good luck!

Kraig Becker