CLIF Bar Offers Adventure Challenges, Invites Outdoor Enthusiasts to Meet the Moment

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Our friends over at Clif Bar are once again inviting us to share our favorite outdoor experiences, and in the process, help raise funds for some very worth causes. The energy bar company has once again launched its Meet the Moment campaign, and they’ve made it easier than ever to contribute.

To participate in the Meet the Moment challenge, all you need to do is share photos of your outdoor adventures on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, and use the hashtag #MeetTheMoment. Every time that hashtag is used, Clif Bar will donate $1 to an environmental nonprofit. The campaign will run from now until the end of the year, with Clif giving as much as $100,000 to these worth organizations. Be sure to send Tweets to @ClifBar and Instagrams to @ClifBarCompany.

The organizations that are the recipients of these funs changes each month. For example, at the moment, it is the Leave No Trace organization. In September, the proceeds will be given to the Surfrider Foundation, and in October it will be the Access Fund. November’s charity of choice is Winter Wildlands, while December will close out the year by donating to the Protect Our Winters organization.

And just in case you’re having difficult coming up with some ideas on just what to do on your outdoor excursions, Clif has also updated the packaging on their bars to include 20 different adventure challenges for us to undertake. I’m sure if you’re reading this blog, you probably don’t need too many suggestions, but these are fun options none the less. And while I’m at it, may recommend the Clif White Chocolate Macadamia Nut. It is delicious!

Check out the video below for further inspiration, and then head over to to see what others sharing. This is an incredibly easy way to contribute to some good causes, and share your own adventures with friends and family.

Kraig Becker