Video: The Aurora and the Whales – 3 Days in Tromsø, Norway

This stunning video was shot over three days in the village of Tromsø, Norway and it features two of the things that most people visit that place to see – the Northern Lights and the Whales. At nearly a half-hour in length, it is a bit on the long side, but the images that you’ll see are simply beautiful. You’ll catch a glimpse of large pods of whales as they pass through the waters during the day, and the enchanting Norwegian sky set aglow by the aurora borealis at night. If you have time, watch it from beginning to end, enjoying the music that was selected as the soundtrack. If it’s a bit too much to take in one sitting, at least sample some of the footage. It is definitely worth a look.

The Aurora & The Whales: 3 days in Tromsø from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Kraig Becker