Best Hike Brings The Goods!

I found a couple of very cool hike reports while browsing the Best Hike Blog earlier. First up, they directed me to this great article over at It’s a wonderful trip report on backpacking along The Lost Coast in California. The 28 mile long trail runs from Shelter Cove, California in the south to the Mattole River in the North, and is marked with some stunning scenery along the way.

The second article is a Paria Trip Report from Paria Canyon is located in the Souther Utah/Northern Arizona desert area, and is marked with some incredible canyons to explore, although this article seems to suggest there may be a little suffering involved as well. But then again, what’s a good adventure without a little suffering along the way. Right? The photographs in this article are excellent as well. They really give you a sense of the scope of canyons.

For more great backpacking and hiking trip reports be sure to checkout

Kraig Becker