Paddling The Length of the Columbia River

The always excellent Wend Blog has a great post this morning about the Columbia Experience, an expedition that got underway two days ago that will paddle nearly the entire length of the Columbia River all the way to the Pacific Ocean, covering a distance of roughly 1000 miles in the process.

The three man team consists of Keel Brightman, Paul Gamache, and Ryan Scott, who came up with the idea of making this journey to raise awareness of the environmental effects of dams on the river. The Columbia has more than 400 dams along its length, and that has changed the landscape through which it runs dramatically. The expedition is expected to take roughly two months to complete, after all it does take a long time to portage around all those dams.

Cool adventure for a good cause. Check out their video below, and watch their blog for updates from the field.

The Columbia Experience from ColumbiaRiver on Vimeo

Kraig Becker

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