Video: The Rhythms of Peru

For many people, the first thought that comes to mind when you think of Peru is Machu Picchu, the mountaintop fortress that was built by the Inca. That place is indeed spectacular, but the country has so much more to offer. From snowcapped peaks in the Andes to the Amazon Basin, Peru is a country filled with opportunities for adventure. In this video, we travel there to get a look at these places first hand, leaving the more well-trodden places behind to explore other destinations far off the tourist track.

RHYTHMS OF PERU from Nathaniel Connella on Vimeo.

Kraig Becker

1 thought on “Video: The Rhythms of Peru”

  1. Sometimes friends and acquaintances ask me how come I travel to Peru year after year … this creative video also captures that our fascinating land goes beyond the visual … very nicely done and thank you all for a marvelous rendition.

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