The Adventure Podcast Episode 78: Our Favorite Outdoor and Adventure Websites

We’re back with another episode of The Adventure Podcast this week, this time taking a deep-dive into the Internet and our favorite outdoor and adventure websites. My co-host Dave Adlard and I share the sites that have earned a spot in our browser bookmarks and that we visit on a daily basis to stay informed about what is happening in the world of exploration, outdoor gear, and adventure. You won’t find The Adventure Blog on that list, but you’ll probably recognize more than a few of our picks. Hopefully you’ll discover a few new ones to add to your bookmarks as well.

Before we jump into this not-so weighty topic, we also get caught up on the latest Adventure News with updates on the fall climbing season in the Himalaya, the start of Mike Horn and Borge Ousland’s journey to the North Pole, and an aggressive walrus that attacked an inflatable boat in the Arctic. Let’s just say it didn’t go well for the boat. We wrap up the show by revealing our weekly gear picks. This week, they include a dry bag from Watershed and some camp lights from Mpowered.

You can listen to the show straight from your browser and this blog post by pressing play on the embedded player below. But better yet, you can download and listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Sticher, and Spotify,where you can also subscribe to our feed so you’ll get all of the future episodes too. Comments, questions, suggestions, and other feedback can be directed our way via Facebook and Twitter, or you can simply email us with your thoughts. As always, thanks for listening.

And, a special big thank you goes out this week to our friends at Korkers, who have come onboard as our first sponsor.


Kraig Becker