More Gear News From Winter OR 08

The Winter Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2008 trade show drew to a close this past weekend with all the latest and greatest gear for this year on display. Most of what was shown won’t hit stores until this Fall and the earliest, but it’s always fun to get a sneak peek none the less.

The Gear Junkie was on the scene, of course, and has posted his second update from the show with a look at that first jacket from shoemaker Merrell, hot chocolate that’s laced with electrolytes from the makers of the Clif Bars and Clif Shots, and a waterproof bootied from Mion Footwear.

The Trailspace Blog has also been updated with a few other gear items and an interesting take on the show as a whole. They say that while there was a lot of new gear at the show, there were very few actually revolutionary items, but instead, they were more evolutionary.

There was an emphasis on making things smaller or lighter and more environmentally friendly. They also note that many gear items were taking on a more “urban styling,” which may be good or bad, depending on how you look at it.

I guess we’ll have to wait until Summer OR 08 to see if the gear companies get back to innovating. Just six months to go! 😉

Kraig Becker

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