Keeper of the Mountains: A Film About Elizabeth Hawley

Anyone who follows climbing in the Himalaya knows the name of Miss Elizabeth Hawley, the woman who keeps the definitive record of who climbed what mountain and who actually reached the summit. But not everyone knows Miss Hawley’s story, which is why plans are in the works to create a documentary of her life.

A new film called Keeper of the Mountains is in the early stages of production and will chronicle Miss Hawley’s journey around the world, eventually settling in Nepal, where she began her career chronicling the climbs of the big mountains there. That was 48 years ago, and she’s been doing it ever since.

Back in mid-July, the filmmaker behind his project created a Kickstarter page to seek funding to complete the film. They reached their target goal, and are now ready to move ahead with producing the film. That page has more information about the project and Miss Hawley herself. You can also view the teaser trailer for it below.

Can’t wait to see this one!

Kraig Becker

5 thoughts on “<i>Keeper of the Mountains</i>: A Film About Elizabeth Hawley”

  1. This looks great. I'm just learning about Miss Hawley from this video and I'm excited to learn more!

  2. I definitely need to keep an eye out for this. Miss Hawley is such an interesting figure in the mountaineering world and she's never even climbed a mountain herself.

  3. Dude! you scooped me! I was just about to post a story to the JOy Trip Project Blog. Nice right up. Glad you're helping to spreading the word on this great project. JEM

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