Kili’s Glacier Healthier Than Thought?

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There have been some dire predictions about the snows of Kilimanjaro and how soon they would disappear forever. Global warming has caused them to retreat in recent years, and some reports have said that they could be completely gone by as early as 2015.

In stark contrast to these reports, a new US-Austrian joint team are stating that the snows on the slopes of the mountain will last another 30-40 years, and that the glacier itself may last indefinitely. The team came to this conclusion following seven years of measurements on the mountain itself according to

This is good news for anyone who hopes to climb the mountain in the near future, and for the tourism industry in Tanzania. The Kilimanjaro is a big draw, and an important part of the economy there. But most of all, it’s great news for the environment as well, as much of the fresh water found around the mountain is due to glacial run off.

Kraig Becker

3 thoughts on “Kili’s Glacier Healthier Than Thought?”

  1. Hi There Adventure Junkie

    Just writing to say a couple of things. Firstly, was interesting to read about your views on the glaciers of kili. Recently there was a report on the BBC – and a more detailed report in American Scientist – about the fact that the glaciers a) aren’t disappearing so fast as was feared; and b) though they are shrinking, this can’t solely be blamed on global warming.

    Secondly, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your blog, and was wondering if I could put a link from my site (I run my own website that is a companion to my guidebook to the mountain; to yours as I am trying to expand my list of blog links, and feel that yours would be a worthy addition. Is this OK? If so, do let us know,


    Henry Stedman

  2. Hi Henry,

    Thanks for posting a comment. I did see some of the recent reports about the glacier not disappearing solely due to global warming as we’ve feared for so long. It’s interesting that there are other factors in play, and it’s reassuring to know that the glacier is going to be around longer than has been predicted.

    You are absolutely free to link to my blog. In fact, I welcome links to it. I’ll take a look at your website as well, and add it to my list of links too. There is always a lot of interest around here for Kili Climbs, and I know I enjoyed my time there in April, so I’m sure others would be interested in your site.


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